Parent Information


Parent Information Booklet


Preschool Enrolment


Registration of Interest


Occasional Care

Find a catchment area?

If you are unsure which Preschool’s catchment zone you are in, please use the Department for Education’s “Find a Preschool catchment area” below.

Registration of Interest

Please fill-out the Registration of Interest form and email to or bring in to the site. Please note: This does not guarantee your enrolment at Preschool and you will be notified if a place is available.

Occasional Care

We offer an Occasional Care program which families can access one session per week. The aim of the program is to provide families with access to sessional occasional child care, enable parents to participate in a range of activities including non-work and casual work commitments and promote young children’s development and learning by increasing access to a high-quality early childhood education and care program. Our Occasional Care program is integrated within the Preschool program with opportunities for both integrated and separated learning.

Occasional Care is only on Wednesday and Thursday.

From 8:45 am to 11:30 am

From 12:00 pm to 2:45 pm

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